FastTag API

FastTag API

FASTag is linked to a prepaid accounts where the applicable toll amount is deducted. The label employs Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) technologies and is affixed on the car's windscreen after the label account is active. “Toll Plaza" is your building or facility where the User Entry is accumulated. It is an "ETC Program" of the government of India. So cars don't need to wait in a queue.

The RFID technology has existed for at least a decade, and its adoption and usage keeps growing. Standards-development problems have hampered adoption in certain programs, however, the business has largely worked through those issues. Producers of RFID transponders and ICs are now expanding the reach of target programs with the addition of memory and processor functionality and developing advanced devices which may be deployed in embedded systems which enable customization.

Organizations such as Walmart have broadly deployed RFID technology for consumer goods monitoring and even the U.S. Armed Forces has used RFID to track resources. Value is added by RFID . A bar code can identify generally what is within a package or on a dictionary while RFID technology provides more precise information and precise serial number data. Additionally, RFID tags and tags can be scanned across medium distances - an important characteristic in warehousing and supply chain software - and in bulk.

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